Summer is the season when nature is at its busiest best with sensational sights, smells and sounds. There is a connection between summer and your good mood.
Let’s deflect our thoughts a bit from our daily home chores and think for a second about our Home Planet Earth. We celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd every year and on that occasion we remind ourselves how each of us can contribute to preserving our precious planet and keeping it safe and healthy for the generations to come.
The concept of conscious consumption is #trending and growing. Growing awareness around -Global Warming, Child Labor, depleting Natural Resources, crisis such as Covid-19 pandemic – has accelerated responsible attitude by the consumers. Consumer wants to get involved in making progressive impact on economy to grow and sustain it.
Everyday brings an opportunity to give and receive. But what if what you receive isn’t your cup of tea? It always happens that one or two gifts you get from loved ones just not make sense for your lifestyle. Everyone naturally struggles with how to deal with these unwanted gifts or if not to deal with them at all.
All of us are busy, but sometimes it becomes too much to handle. Your job is seriously stressing out, you have too many deadlines, you’ve taken on too many projects, you have to manage house chores, kids and work— whatever the case, you’re not sure if you’ll make it through this week. Kidding of course, but sometimes it feels that way.
Yogita Ajgaonkar is a purpose driven entrepreneur, creative thinker, photographer, avid reader and traveller. An Indian business executive, she is the Founder and CEO of TIWIW.
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