TODAY, I am basking in the sunshine of my Youth. Old age awaits me TOMORROW. To me, tomorrow is not THE END as end can know at my door on any of these three days. Birth whispers, “Change is inevitable”, Youth insists, ”Change is essential” and Old age regrets, ‘Change is irrevocable’.
You bring Color to everyone’s life!
Modern science claims that Color is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and even influence physiological reactions. Artists use hues to express ideas, themes, subjects and moods instead of words to articulate them.
You can deal with unwanted gifts in your life in an easy way!
Everyday brings an opportunity to give and receive. But what if what you receive isn’t your cup of tea? It always happens that one or two gifts you get from loved ones just not make sense for your lifestyle. Everyone naturally struggles with how to deal with these unwanted gifts or if not to deal with them at all.
The TIWIW way of transformation: Focus on the Identity
For years, I’ve repeated the same old narrative to myself: tomorrow, I will write. And for years, I didn’t. Today, I build a list of things I will do tomorrow: I will get in shape. I will stop eating processed sugar. I will start writing every day. I will stop wastage. And then I start…
How you can knock out stress with these 3-Hs
All of us are busy, but sometimes it becomes too much to handle. Your job is seriously stressing out, you have too many deadlines, you’ve taken on too many projects, you have to manage house chores, kids and work— whatever the case, you’re not sure if you’ll make it through this week. Kidding of course, but sometimes it feels that way.
Being human now and in the future
There’s a lot going on in the world right now, and the coming years and decades will likely bring more disruption and less stability. Pandemic has upended our lives, separated us, technological innovations are revolutionizing many workplaces; political attitudes are polarizing almost by the day; climate change is going to drive massive migration and displacement unless we turn our collective attention to mitigating the risk. Change is everywhere.
Planning makes your life easy and eventful!
Human brain thrives in the period of certainty, success and joy. We fear failures. While there will be many who can be instrumental behind our success, failure is the one which is individually owned. We are accountable for it. The simple route to avoid failure or be able to handle failure is to be well prepared with proper planning.